Educational Awards
Educational Awards are presented annually to deserving neurosurgery residents and trainees in underserved communities. An educational fund was established and named in honor of the late Dr. Benigno S. Aldana, Jr., who was a consummate teacher and dedicated to the education of his residents.
accepting applications for jacksonville traveling Fellowship and Skull-base course 2024
NOF-JGNS Global Neurosurgery Research Award
Supported in part by Jacqueline & Ron Dorrance-Tomlinson
2023 Award Winners
- First Place: Dave Mangar, CK Musau, A. Odhiambo, G. Mwang (Kenya)
- Second Place: Dahmane Elhairech, MD, Saloua Kanazy, MD, Bouchra Rhesissi, PhD, Nadia el Kadmiri, PhD, Mohamed Lmejatti, MD (Morroco)
- Third Place: Daniel Buzaglo Concalves, Makarem Oliveira, Gabriela Campos da Silva Coutinho, Edson Bor-Seng-Shu, Wellingson Silva Palva, Manoel Jacobsen Teixeira, Paloam Cardoso Novo, Robson Luis Oliveira de Amorim (Amazonas, Brazil)
2022 Award Winners
- First Place: Rakesh Mishra, Mc. Ch., Rajeev Raman MS, Dr. Karthik MS, Ravishankar Prasad Mc. Ch, Anurag Sahu M. Ch, Nityanand Pandey M.Ch, Kulwant Singh, Mc CH (India)
- Second Place: Patrick Kamalo, MD (Malawi) and co-authors from Oslo University Hospital
- Third Place: Samaa Akhtar MD, MSc (UK) and Javaid Iqbal, MBA, MA, MS (Pakistan)
The JB Resident Award for Global Neurosurgery
Supported by JB Foundation
To submit an application form, click here.
2023 Award Winner
- Dr. Belinda Shao, Brown Univeristy, Rhode Island, Senior Neurological Surgery Resident
2020 Award Winner
- Dr. Ariana Barkley, Birmingham, Alabama, Pediatric Neurosurgery Fellow
Award for Jacksonville Traveling Fellowship
2024 Award Winner
- Dr. Muhammad Dickey Hidayattulah, Indonesia, Neurosurgery Resident
Supported by the Trinity Love Hoblit Foundation
To submit an application form, click here.
2023 Award Winner
- Dr. Henok Teshome Molla, Ethiopia
2022 Award Winner
- Dr. Emmanuel Albano, Philippines
2019 Award Winners
- Dr. Manilyn Ann Hong, Philippines
Awards for Innovations in Cerebrovascular Science and World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies Endorsed Bypass and Skull-base Course, Jacksonville, Florida (renamed Skull-base and Vascular techniques course)
Supported by The Trinity Love Hoblit Foundation
To submit an application form, click here.
2023, Award Winners
- Dr. Tiago Marques Avelar
- Dr. Guilherme Agnoletto
- Dr. Victor Frandoloso
- Dr. Lissa Goulart
- Dr. Marco Alcino Marques Jr.
- Dr. Vitor Vieira de Souza Moraes
- Dr. Christopher Brian Reyes
- Dr. Luis Gustavo Soares
- Dr. Jose Ronaldo Sousa Jr.
- Dr. Carla Melo Vieira
2022, Award Winners
- Dr. Jose Miguel Bellolio, Brazil
- Dr. Victor Frandoloso, Brazil
- Dr. Carolina Junger, Brazil
- Dr. Jacqueline Leotte, Brazil
- Dr. Carlos Alberto Moreira, Brazil
- Dr. Star Sedano, Philippines
- Dr. Paul Eduardo Silva, Brazil
2019, Award Winners
- Dr. Auricelio Batista Cezar Jr., Brazil
- Dr. Andre Bortolon Bissoli, Brazil
- Dr. Gustavo Machado Cardoso, Brazil
- Dr. Felipe Mendes Ferreira, Brazil
- Dr. Bernardo Pinto Coelho Keuffer Mendonca, Brazil
- Dr. Othavio Gomez Lopes, Brazil
- Dr. Thales Bhering Nepomuceno, Brazil
- Dr. Galih Indra Permana, Indonesia
- Dr. Barbara Contarato Pilon, Brazil
- Dr. Antonio Gilson Prates Jr., Brazil
Awards for the Asian-Australasian Advanced Course in Pediatric Neurosurgery (as of 2024, asian-Australasian Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery educational course)
2024 Award Winners, India
- Dr. Yudistira Wardana, Indonesia
- Dr. Suparchai Srichantha, Thailand
- Dr. Doeur Rovynonyoddom, Cambodia
2019 Award Winners, Taiwan
- Dr. Lady Scarlette Sedano, Philippines
- Dr. Andi Nagraha Sendjaja, Indonesia
- Dr. Elvira Sutanto, Indonesia
- Dr. Miriam Claire Dy, Philippines
- Dr. Mochamad Sri Arya Heriawan, Indonesia
- Dr. Muhammad Azhary Lazuardy, Indonesia
- Dr. Leonard Leong Sang Xian, Malaysia
2018 Award Winners, Japan
- Dr. Edo Johanes Sihombing, Indonesia
- Dr. Christian Ariono, Indonesia
- Dr. Dipendra Shrestha, Nepal
- Dr. Erwin Wijatmiko, Indonesia
- Dr. Ferdinan Tjungkagi, Indonesia
- Dr. Thi Thuy Tien Nguyen, Vietnam
2017 Award Winners, South Korea
- Dr. Chan Chee Kong, Malaysia
- Dr. Kho Giat Seng, Malaysia
- Dr. Hendrikus Bolly, Indonesia
- Dr. Adhitya Ramadi Yudhadi, Indonesia
- Dr. Lily Natalia, Indonesia
- Dr. Cheah Pooi Pooi, Malaysia
- Dr. Dang Le Phoung, Vietnam
2017 Award Winners, China
- Dr. Ng Wei Ping, Malaysia
- Dr. Richard Romolo, Indonesia
- Dr. Andi Sendjaja, Indonesia
- Dr. Qingshuang Zhao, PR China
2016 Award Winners, India
- Dr. David Atmaja, Bandung, Indonesia
- Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Pi Doahn, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam
- Dr. Arief Setia Handoko, Bandung, Indonesia
- Dr. Sudipta Kumer Mukherjee, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Dr. Petra O.P. Wahjoepramono, Bandung, Indonesia
- Dr. You Xinli, Sariangor, Malaysia
- Dr. Yang Zhao, Shanghai, China
- Dr. Rakesh Kumar Mishra, Bangalore, India
2015 Award Winners, Indonesia
- Dr. Le Quang My, Vietnam
- Dr. Nirup Datta, India
- Dr. Oskar Ady Widarta, Indonesia
- Dr. Syaichu Ali Yusni, Indonesia
2014 Award Winners, Singapore
- Dr. Asti Aviant, Indonesia
- Dr. Chimnay Bhalke, India
- Dr. Ronnie Baticulon, Philippines
- Dr. Sudipta Kumer Mukkherjee, Bangladesh
- Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Pi Doanh, Vietnam
- Dr. Priandana Adya Eka Saputra, Indonesia
Begingo S. Aldana, Jr. Educational Awards
2013 Award Winner
- Dr. Junior V. Borja, 4th Year Resident, The Armed Forces of the Philippines, Philippine General Hospital, Philippines
2012 Award Winners
- Dr. Medardo Joseph E. Millares, 5th Year Resident, The Armed Forces of the Philippines Medical Center, Philippines
- Dr. Ronnie Baticulon, 3rd Year Resident, University of the Philippines, Philippine General Hospital, Philippines
Dr. Benigno S. Aldana Educational Award for the Asian-Australasian Advance Course in Pediatric Neurosurgery
Awarded to residents in LMICs to sponsor their registration fees for the AAACPN.
NOF-TLHF Educational Award for Skull Base and Bypass Surgery Course, Jacksonville, Florida, USA (supported by the Trinity Love Hoblit Foundation)
Awarded to deserving residents/trainees/fellows from overseas to help defray the costs of attending Bypass Surgery Course in Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
NOF Traveling Fellowship Award, Jacksonville, Florida, USA
Awarded to a resident, fellow, or a newly graduated neurosurgical resident from an underserved community or LMIC to help defray the cost of doing an international observer-ship in Jacksonville city’s area hospitals.
The JB Resident Award for Global Neurosurgery (supported by the JB Foundation)
Awarded to a USA-based neurosurgical resident to participate as a member of NOF’s Educational Surgical Mission team.
JGNS-NOF Global Neurosurgery Research Award
Authors from LMICs have the opportunity to submit original abstract/manuscript for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place monetary awards and an invitation to have their work published in the Journal of Global Neurosurgery. For more info: